At Incado, we take responsibility for the environment. We are passionate about advising and inspiring to make every home interesting and personal through wall decorations. We set ambitious goals to create a sustainable business model that considers the environment.

We are already a member of the Association for Environmentally Friendly Packaging, aiming to protect the environment and the planet's limited resources. However, we aspire to do much more; hence, Incado is now also FSC®-certified (FSC® C186933).


FSC® stands for "Forest Stewardship Council®." FSC® is a non-profit organization that promotes responsible forest management through certifications of forests, companies, and products. A labeling scheme for wood, paper, and other cellulose-based materials, supported by recognized NGOs such as WWF and World Wildlife Fund.

The goal is to collectively create a better future for the world's forests, ensuring no more trees are cut than the forest can reproduce. Forest workers should have access to education, safety equipment, and fair wages. A world where we care for our forests and manage them sustainably.



In FSC®-Certified forests, the forest area remains the same from generation to generation. FSC® contributes to solving challenges that forests face concerning social conditions, worker rights, biodiversity, endangered species, water quality, and deforestation. In FSC®-Certified forests, the forest owner must protect natural values, such as rare and endangered animal species and their habitats.

FSC® fosters collaborative solutions, where social and environmental organizations collaborate with industries and forest owners to find socially and environmentally responsible ways to manage forests. Together, we can slow climate change and ensure vibrant forests for future generations.

FSC® contributes to 14 of the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals and directly supports 40 different subgoals through its social, economic, and environmental requirements for responsible forest management.



We are FSC® certified (FSC® C186933). This means we are subject to a control and traceability system that ensures FSC®-certified products consist only of materials from FSC®-certified forests along with other responsible materials.



  • Compliance with laws
  • Worker's rights and employment conditions
  • Indigenous people's rights
  • Relations with local communities
  • Forest benefits
  • Environmental values and impact
  • Operational planning
  • Monitoring and assessment
  • High conservation values
  • Implementation of operations



  • Legally sourced wood
  • No deforestation allowed
  • Protection of biodiversity, endangered species, and other natural values
  • Respect for indigenous people's rights to forest use
  • Fair wages and decent working conditions for forest workers
  • Gender equality for forest workers
  • Good relations and support for local communities
  • Protection of ecosystem services
  • A healthy forest association
  • Economic incentive for responsible forest management
  • Strict requirements for pesticide use
  • Protection of cultural values


Learn more at: www.fsc.org.